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KP-CNA Bargaining Update, Sept. 6 and 8, 2022

  • April Karys
  • 2022

This week Kaiser Permanente met twice in bargaining with the California Nurses Association (CNA). We continued to exchange counter proposals on operational topics of importance to us both, and have made steady progress.

We’re happy to report that yesterday we achieved a tentative agreement to expand educational opportunities on our hospital patient classification system, for new hires as well as Classification System Liaison RNs. We appreciate the constructive exchanges between our bargaining teams, as we both dig deep to find solutions that are good for our patients and members, and support our drive to make Kaiser Permanente the best place not only to receive care, but also the best place for you, our outstanding nurses, to practice your calling.

We look forward to continuing negotiations with CNA on Tuesday, Sept. 13. We will continue to keep you informed.

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