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KP-CNA Bargaining Update: Sept. 13, 2022

  • April Karys
  • 2022

Yesterday in bargaining, Kaiser Permanente and the California Nurses Association (CNA) continued to make steady progress and move closer to agreement on matters of importance to you, our valued nurses, and to KP and our members and patients. Through constructive negotiations, we were able to reach 2 more tentative agreements in yesterday’s session, bringing the total number of tentative agreements reached so far at this table to 21.

The tentative agreements from yesterday’s session are:

  • Workplace Violence Prevention: This agreement reinforces Kaiser Permanente’s commitment to support and promote a safe working environment for nurses. Among other important provisions, it includes an agreement for KP to fund, over the life of the contract, up to 2 RNs per medical center and 1 from each Appointment & Advice Call Center (AACC) per year to obtain initial Certification in Infection Control (CIC). In addition, this tentative agreement includes KP’s recommitment of $1 million per year, over the life of the contract, to fund nurses’ time, materials, and equipment needed for workplace safety projects that nurses identify and that meet agreed-upon criteria.
  • Policy To Address Acute Staffing Shortages: This tentative agreement includes Kaiser Permanente’s commitment to implement a policy to address acute staffing shortages in alignment with our patient acuity system and our staffing matrixes. The policy would include a process to be followed in times of acute staffing shortages or unexpected increases in patient acuity or hospital census. This supports our commitment to staffing in accordance to each patient’s needs, and will help us respond quickly and consistently when urgent staffing situations occur.

We are grateful to each of you for all you do, every day, to provide excellent and compassionate care for our patients, members, and their families. We look forward to continuing negotiations with CNA in our next scheduled meeting, which is Thursday, Sept. 15, and we will continue to keep you informed.

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