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KP-CNA Bargaining Update #22

Today, Kaiser Permanente and the California Nurses Association (CNA) met for the 22nd day of contract negotiations.

What happened

Earlier today, Kaiser Permanente and the union agreed to extend the contract expiration date to Friday, Oct. 13, to give additional time to reach a tentative agreement.

During today’s bargaining session, the parties continued discussions about the union’s proposals on the Home Health and Hospice care level system and the Appointment and Advice Call Centers.

For the record

In contract negotiations, as the parties work to reach agreement, you may hear about KP and the union having difficult conversations. This is a natural part of bargaining. We value our nurses, their clinical judgment, and their skill and dedication. We look forward to continuing discussions at the table.

What comes next

Bargaining is scheduled to continue Tuesday, Oct. 3. We will continue to keep you informed.

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