KP-NUHW Bargaining Update, Sept. 9, 2022
To our therapists,
Today, we returned to the table prepared to bargain fairly and reach an agreement. We appreciate that union leadership responded to our request today to keep the negotiations focused and productive. We always appreciate and respect our therapists’ voices and today’s session was better managed.
Today’s bargaining was productive, with good conversation, ideas shared, and proposals refined. We mutually adjourned at the end of the day with clear intention to resume with the same constructive approach.
We are working with union leadership to set a new bargaining date which is likely to be early next week, so we want to encourage those who have chosen to report to work and to care for patients to continue to do so as we work through concluding these important agreements.
We remain grateful for all of you and the work you do to care for patients and their total health and wellbeing. We will continue to keep you updated with accurate information about bargaining and we appreciate your dedication to your patients.
Thank you.