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KP-NUHW Bargaining Update, May 17, 2022

  • April Karys
  • 2022

Tuesday’s bargaining session was respectful, professional, and covered a lot of ground. Over the last 5 sessions KP has made proposals to the union regarding facilities and worksites, student loan payment program, and enhanced wages and lump sum payments; as well as held several comprehensive sessions on Article 28, Job Duties and Workload Distribution.

On Tuesday we delivered a proposal on Article 22 – Health and Welfare, which covers employer-paid health plan, supplemental medical, and life insurance. For most therapists, this is the most important economic article in the contract besides wages. There are no takeaways in our proposal. Kaiser Permanente will continue to provide active therapists with comprehensive benefits that are among the best in the profession. In addition, our proposal makes it easier for therapists’ spouses and dependents to access Alternate Mental Health Coverage by eliminating the need for a denial of services letter, which we know will be important to our therapists. We can implement this starting Jan. 1, 2023 if we have a ratified contract by Sept. 30, 2022.

We continued additional discussion about Article 28, involving elements of the union’s proposal. There was good conversation about therapists’ requests for flexibility when necessary. We recognize this is important to therapists and take the need seriously when it arises. We were able to provide several examples that demonstrate our commitment to providing flexibility when needed. We also listened to the union’s bargaining team and understand there are opportunities to make these practices more consistent across the region.

The next bargaining session will be May 27. The union has requested bargaining dates from Kaiser Permanente for June, which we will provide. We will continue to keep you informed.

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