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KP-NUHW Bargaining Update, April 13, 2022

  • April Karys
  • 2022

Yesterday at the bargaining table Kaiser Permanente’s negotiating team held productive conversation with NUHW on key topics aimed at reaching an agreement that benefits you, Kaiser Permanente, and our members. We remain incredibly grateful for the care you provide to patients every day and are optimistic we can reach agreement. Notably, we presented a new wage offer to your union representatives that reflects the respect and regard we have for our therapists and represents significant movement on our part. We also engaged the union in discussion around additional areas of mutual interest, and we appreciate the cordial tone of the discourse at the table as we work toward common goals and address where we differ in how to reach them.

We continue to negotiate on the topic of indirect patient care, needing to balance our patients’ needs with the availability of therapists to see them. As you are aware, all health care providers in California are competing for a limited pool of mental health therapists. While we, like all providers, are working hard to recruit additional therapists, increased demand for mental health care calls for as much direct patient care as possible. This said, we are working in good faith to find ways to support our therapists to accomplish the important work of indirect patient care. We remain committed to finding solutions that benefit our patients and are good for our therapists.

Our next bargaining session is scheduled for Thursday, April 21. We will continue to keep you informed.

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