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KP-CNA Bargaining Update, Week of Oct. 10

  • April Karys
  • 2022

Progress continued this week in bargaining between Kaiser Permanente and the California Nurses Association (CNA), with focused discussion around staffing proposals. After listening to the union’s concerns, we revised two of our counterproposals related to float department postings and nurse position vacancies and replacements. We also provided clarification to the union in response to its questions about our proposal related to the clinical ladder program.

The tone of our discussions continues to be constructive and positive, and we are pleased that forward momentum continues. The union has agreed to meet again next week, on Tuesday and Thursday, Oct. 18 and 20. We look forward to returning to the table to continue working toward securing a contract that acknowledges you, our outstanding nurses, and the excellent care you provide your patients each day. We will continue to keep you informed.

Thank you.

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