- April Karys
- 2017
KP-CNA Bargaining Update #6
Today, Kaiser Permanente and the California Nurses Association (CNA) met for the sixth day of contract negotiations.
What happened
Kaiser Permanente presented three proposals, regarding voluntary float, documentation of premium pay waivers, and the removal of reference to telegrams as a mode of communication in the collective bargaining agreement, and replace it with references to telephone and text.
The union presented four proposals. The first was a request to form bargaining subcommittees to work on specific union proposals, which Kaiser Permanente declined. The second focused on current 401k benefits, and the remaining were to add staff to existing regional and facility committees.
For the record
Our proposal around voluntary float is designed to help improve timely patient care and decrease disruption for patients and nurses. The proposal clarifies the float process to determine floating based on clinical competency rather than paired units. This will allow us to have nurses with the right competencies in the right units to meet our patient care needs.
Regarding bargaining subcommittees, our perspective is that for transparency, and the benefit of both parties, all topics of bargaining should be addressed at the main table.
What comes next
Bargaining is scheduled to continue Tuesday, Aug. 8. We will continue to keep you informed.