- Gerri Ginsburg
- 2017
KP-CNA Bargaining Update #17
Today, Kaiser Permanente and the California Nurses Association (CNA) met for the 17th day of contract negotiations.
What happened
- Kaiser Permanente completed presenting its operational proposals last week.
- The union presented two proposals and a counter proposal. One proposal involves workplace violence response, and the other proposal seeks RNs/NPs to be chosen by the union as workplace health and safety liaisons. The union’s counter was in response to KP’s proposal about electronic posting processes.
For the record
As an organization, we are deeply committed to workplace safety and workplace violence prevention. We are reviewing the union’s proposals in these areas, taking into consideration the structures and processes already in place that provide opportunities for nurse involvement in ensuring a safe workplace for everyone.
What comes next
Bargaining is scheduled to continue Thursday, Sept. 14. We will continue to keep you informed.