- Gerri Ginsburg
- 2022
A message to Local 39 engineers
To our engineers,
We recognize and thank you for your professionalism and commitment as you returned to work in December. We greatly appreciate your expertise and hard work, which enables all of us to continue to provide high quality, safe care to our members and patients every day.
We also want to assure you we are committed to reaching a fair agreement with your union representatives. We intend to work with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services and Local 39 to help resolve our remaining differences. We have offered several bargaining date options to Local 39 and expect to return to the bargaining table soon.
We will continue to keep you posted on developments related to bargaining.
Thank you.
Debora Catsavas, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, KFHP/H; and
Darin Tankersley, PhD, Chief of Medical Center Administration and Operations, TPMG.